From Inside The Machinery is a short story-driven clicker game created during Ludum Dare (April 2020).

"Keep the organs functioning.
Keep the conversation going.
Keep it alive."

How to play?

  • Click on the buttons next to the different organs to increase their functioning time;
  • The brain increase itself when the button "Brain On" is activated;
  • Click on the box in the middle to read the conversation;
  • The feeding and brushing button are optional and won't impact the survival of the body.


  • Unity (+Fungus)
  • Photoshop

Please, note that it is not a "fun" game, but something closer to a weird interactive fiction. + The game isn't in a final state and was developed in less than 48h. :)

Enjoy, and don't hesitate to leave a comment or to give a feedback!


From_Inside_The_Machinery_Build.rar 13 MB


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Made it to the end. My finger hurts lol. Good game.

Thanks for playing!

no prob!